Song of the garbage man
A lonely funeral poem
n the back of the truck
no one can get me down.
I'm coming for the loaded
pockets of the town.
Should one of them burst
I see a life a body replete
in shards and peelings
spilling out on the street.
Anyone got a problem
if I drive the garbage truck
to the fruit machines
just to try my luck.
Bunches in a row
and luring lemons roll
as they pass by in pairs.
Coins jingle jingle
less when I have to go
home with empty pockets
till the next truck full
of chances waits.
On the back of the truck
no one can get me down.
I'm coming for the loaded
pockets of the town.
Song of the garbage man was written for the Lonely funeral project in Amsterdam, 2021
Translation from Dutch by Donald Gardner